The tuition is an annual rate. Parents may elect to pay tuition in full, semi-annually, or monthly installments.
The monthly installments are based on the annual rate spread over ten (10) months, with the first installment submitted at the time of registration. Except the 1st monthly installment which is due by August 15th, the second and all other monthly installments are due on the FIRST day of each month, beginning in September and ending in May. Tuition must be paid before the 10th of each month. A late fee of $50.00 will be charged after the 10th of the month. If the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday tuition must be paid by the next work day or the late fee will definitely be charged. If the tuition remains delinquent up to the 20th day of the month, the child MUST remain at home until the tuition is paid. A fee of $50.00 will be charged for checks that are returned. This is in addition to the late fee that is charged if the payment is not received by the 10th of the month.
Per tuition account involving one or more student, any part or whole of the entire bill will be charge the late fee if late.
Online Payments: Parents/Guardians may use the PayPal option in making tuition payments. This convenient payment option may have service charges. The services charges fees will be applied to your account and the payment of those charges will be required. Note also, that even if you are paying through PayPal – tuition becomes due on the 1st of the month, and you have until the 10th of the month to pay the tuition without the $50.00 late fee charges being applied to your account.
Moravians Discount: Parents/Guardians and students who are verified members of the Moravian Church are eligible to receive 10% off tuition. They must have a verification letter signed by the Pastor and imprinted with the church’s seal.
2 or More Enrolled: Parents with more than one child attending the Moravian School will receive a 10% discount off the tuition for the second, third, and fourth child as appropriate. The discount will be applied to the lower tuition amounts.
Parents/Guardians and students who are members of the Moravian church may be eligible to receive 10% off tuition. They must have a verification letter signed by the Pastor and imprinted with the church’s seal. Parents with more than one child attending the Moravian School will receive a 10% discount off the tuition for the second, third, and fourth child as appropriate. The discount will be applied to the lower tuition amounts.
Annual Monthly (PAYPAL) 10% off Rate (PAYPAL)
Pre-Kindergarten (K-3 & K-4) ...………......….…$4,200.00 $420.00 ($430.00) $378.00 ($388.00)
Kindergarten through 6th Grade ....................$4,000.00 $400.00 ($410.00) $360.00 ($370.00)
7th & 8th…………………………….…..........…........$4,100.00 $410.00 ($420.00) $369.00 ($379.00)
The tuition is based on the annual amount. However, payment is allowed in monthly installment. The tuition is divided by 10 in order to determine the monthly installments. Please be advised that the monthly installment cannot and shall not be prorated or refunded.
Music Fee: Students in the 6th – 8th grades may have the option of a music class. As a result, students may be issued instruments. If a student loses and/or damages the instrument that student will be required to repair/replace the same. Students must take special care of all instruments assigned.
*Our PayPal account is Memorial Moravian School Corporation:
Registration..............................................................................................$25.00 ($26.00)
First child ………………………….………........................................................$90.00 ($93.00)
Second, third,etc. …………….………......................................................…..$60.00 ($62.00)
Thank you for choosing to enroll your child(ren) at the Moravian School for the 2024-2025 academic school year.